
Showing posts from August, 2021

Thoughts about #Controversial topics arising from #Lizzo & #CardiB's new hit #Rumors: "Igoring your ignorance won't save you"

Me: >responds to comments about weight, by talking about how *WHITE SOCIETY* sets impossible standards for everyone; with extra emphasis on POC< Other White Folx: "When did the #RaceCard get brought into this? What does 'white society' have anything to do with this?" Me: "Ummm...To start with: When did white society ever stop existing in every conversation? We're in EVERY cookie jar and EVERY conversation. When did white ppl ever leave the conversation?" =/ This is real. It's important. Not just in conversations about a Beautiful Black Woman bravely sharing her exp with Fat Shaming & the slew of hateful comments sent her way by total strangers stuck in the shadows of their own triggers; which are far worse exps for Women of Color, White-Passing Women of Color, #bipoc & Trans Women of Color, then it is & ever will be for ANY white person - and yes, that INCLUDES those of us whose heritage never passed through white cultures that ensl...

Every time you find the light in others, you find the light in You

 The past few days have been very interesting ones on my journey. Especially as I found myself doing lightwork in the comments section of #Lizzo & #CardiB's beautiful new song #Rumors; where others decided to take low vibe stances of criticism, bitterness & racism (intentional and unintentional). This past year, I've been in a space of not speaking up when others are in such vibrations; after many decades of being very vocal for many activist causes; some popular and easy to speak about, others than make you gulp down gallons of courage cuz I stood in minority at first.  That really drew me in to how I've been doing that in many smaller ways with nearly everyone I've been interacting with lately.  I've not been defending any "bad behavior", though I have been calling in the ppl being critical of anyone else, to their own thoughts about their own journey. To see that there are many understandable ways that any human can get onto low vibe paths where...

New Wickedly Divine Feminine Members-Only Area on YouTubeI'

 I'm super excited to have been offered the ability to create and fill up a Members-Only Section on the WDF YouTube Channel.  Look forward to seeing you there! B-)