Thoughts about #Controversial topics arising from #Lizzo & #CardiB's new hit #Rumors: "Igoring your ignorance won't save you"
Me: >responds to comments about weight, by talking about how *WHITE SOCIETY* sets impossible standards for everyone; with extra emphasis on POC< Other White Folx: "When did the #RaceCard get brought into this? What does 'white society' have anything to do with this?" Me: "Ummm...To start with: When did white society ever stop existing in every conversation? We're in EVERY cookie jar and EVERY conversation. When did white ppl ever leave the conversation?" =/ This is real. It's important. Not just in conversations about a Beautiful Black Woman bravely sharing her exp with Fat Shaming & the slew of hateful comments sent her way by total strangers stuck in the shadows of their own triggers; which are far worse exps for Women of Color, White-Passing Women of Color, #bipoc & Trans Women of Color, then it is & ever will be for ANY white person - and yes, that INCLUDES those of us whose heritage never passed through white cultures that ensl...