Thoughts about #Controversial topics arising from #Lizzo & #CardiB's new hit #Rumors: "Igoring your ignorance won't save you"
Me: >responds to comments about weight, by talking about how *WHITE SOCIETY* sets impossible standards for everyone; with extra emphasis on POC<
Other White Folx: "When did the #RaceCard get brought into this? What does 'white society' have anything to do with this?"
Me: "Ummm...To start with: When did white society ever stop existing in every conversation? We're in EVERY cookie jar and EVERY conversation. When did white ppl ever leave the conversation?"
This is real.
It's important.
Not just in conversations about a Beautiful Black Woman bravely sharing her exp with Fat Shaming & the slew of hateful comments sent her way by total strangers stuck in the shadows of their own triggers; which are far worse exps for Women of Color, White-Passing Women of Color, #bipoc & Trans Women of Color, then it is & ever will be for ANY white person - and yes, that INCLUDES those of us whose heritage never passed through white cultures that enslaved others; cuz we STILL benefit from ALL of this.
That's why it's called #PRIVILEGE
We're not excused from it for any reason - including when we speak up; me speaking up in this way, doesn't excuse me from anything - regardless of how much I'm able to use my privilege to lift others up.
Cuz it's not a problem that was born last night.
It takes time and diligent consistent effort to heal such big wounds in our species.
And it's why we must be consistently conscious of #Racism in EVERY conversation.
Which doesn't mean we need to make every conversation about it - as when white folx do that, we can often contribute to greater problems during our #VirtueSignaling, esp when we drown out the voice of ppl who LIVE these experiences.
It's important to own that racism is not anywhere close to ever being able to be excluded from any conversation. It's ALWAYS there - and largely because so many ppl refuse to own their own fragility when faced with how they're contributing to all of these problems.
It's because of the #Whitewashing white society manifested, that so many ppl are able to live their entire lives without ever becoming #woke or understanding what it's like to live a different experience.
Which is SAD AF.
And if the shoe was on the other foot, we'd be the first ones tearing down statues and working to dismantle tyrannical systems designed to support ppl based on uncontrollable elements of birth that should all be embraced without worshipping in ways that cut and keep others down.
Even moreso then that, when we refuse to be a part of these important conversations, deny the validity of racism in every conversation, andor try to excuse ourselves from contributing to it simply because we're not racist "out loud" or cuz you voted for Obama or because we're trying to keep the convo only to "other" topics that feel "safer". That contributes to the problem, and it also shows our cowardace; that we've not even gone as far as being courageous enough to get into these important conversations and put ourselves at risk of having our #Fragility tested by making mistakes and facing our #internalized racism.
Additionally, ALL of these conversations are #Intersectional.
Body Shaming, Racism, Sexism, Medical Freedom/Informed Consent, LGBTQ+, and so on.
We're ALL a part of ALL of these issues.
And we are ALL responsible for helping to heal these societal wounds by looking at our own thoughts, words, deeds, excuses, shadows and history.
I've seen many of the same issues come up in conversations about #Queerness and #Polyamory, where white women who don't want to feel the burn of their parents bigotry (intentional or not), and want to excuse themselves from really looking deeply into their own BS (belief systems), will called themselves "Queer" because sexuality is much more acceptably fluid for women in white culture, so it doesn't get challenged as much even if it's very clear the women doing this, are not at all bisexual and often only found their way into that stream of consciousness to try to "spice things up" with their hetero partners who refuse to even consider exploring bisexuality or omnisexuality because it's still not as acceptable for male presenting humans to be fluid in their sexuality.
Which then, on top of erasing and whitewashing Queer Culture, it also contributes to #BiErasure, and manifested an entirely new (only a few decades old) challenge commonly known as #GateKeeping that creates infighting in communities that got together to help create healing created by the very attitudes that created the problems.
And this isn't even bringing #Youths into the conversation, all of whom are deeply effected by the pain their parents have had to live through; often leading to teaching our young ones early on, to constantly hold a defensive posture and to wear emotional armor, because the much of the ppl of the world still have hearts full of cruelty from generational traumas.
See what I mean?
ALL of these issues are Intersectional - they connect.
They are complex and nuanced and DEEP AF.
We all own many parts of them that won't just "go away" by burying our heads in the sand like #Ostriches.
When we try to avoid our own shadow work because it creates uncomfortable #dissonance in our heads and hearts; especially with big intersectional issues like these, we remain ignorant to how we then contribute to invalidating human lives & to tyranny to everyone; including ourselves.
Cuz the results of our kin, have trapped many of us just as much.
Which is also NOT an excuse.
We have the power to create healing ripples and do lightwork that creates true change in the collective.
Starting with owning where we've contributed personally; which often include:
*Not speaking up when we should've - to our parents, siblings, friends, etc; esp with excuses like "they're too old to change" or "I didn't want to fight cuz of xyz". These conversations don't need to be a fight, and if you feel fearful or anxious of a simple conversation about racism with your own fam or crew; then imagine that times 100 for everyone who has to constantly defend themselves against the backwards beliefs carried by YOUR kin. You not speaking to your own ppl, contributes to the problem - esp energetically. Cuz the more you let it remain, the more the collective lets it remain; those ripples count just as much as anything else, and it tells the universe that you only care about manifesting a better world for everyone when it effects you directly.
*Trying to change or shut down conversations where any intersectional issues are brought up, simply because you "can't see/feel it".
*Putting others down because you've learned something from your "token" friend of color and then trying to force that one perspective down everyone else's throat so we could feel virtuous & try to excuse ourselves from STILL benefiting from active racism throughout the world - esp in 1st world nations. Don't ignore your friends exps; and don't ignore others exps. Don't get caught in the notion that talking to a few ppl or reading one or two articles/books makes you "woke enough" to be any kind of expert on anything. We're all human and all of our exps are going to be unique & important; which becomes clearer the more you get out into the world and meet more humans and learn about their experiences - which also starts to heal another very human challenge; lack of culture - as in, we get caught in "bubbles" of experience. We don't travel, we don't talk to ppl from different nations, we don't talk to ppl from different religions, and we often take no time to actually explore the ways and lives of cultures that are different from the realistically TINY communities we grew up in and live in now.
*Refusing to be open to feedback that isn't spoke in "white words" or in a "white attitude", and then deeming that to be "uncivil" or "impolite" - esp considering that racism, sexism, body shaming & ignorance are all really fucking impolite & uncivil, no matter how "nicely" you speak or live in that energy. We are NOT the "judges" of what civility does or should look like - and history gives infinite reasons why we never should be the judges of that.
*By trying to uphold the ridiculous notion of "Reverse Racism" to try and hold onto fragility; which isn't even logical, cuz "reverse racism" is when you hate your own culture/race - not when oppressed cultures show you what it feels like to walk a mile in their shoes; and that's often only for brief interactions, cuz as white folx, we have the privilege of being able to go home or go elsewhere and not be bothered by any of these conversations - which is again, why it's called PRIVILEGE; cuz 60% of our country can never do that.
*By erasing and whitewashing history to be only about non-emotional issues or issues to do with the tyranny of govt - personally, I'm very Minarchist Libertarian. I'm well aware of how govt (which has been near entirely white until Obama) & white societies mob mentality about both "democracy" & "conservativism" have made most everything worse. I'll be the first to defend that. Though that does NOT remove the reality of racism having been WORSHIPPED for most of our nations history and how incredibly fucked up that is. There are plenty of ways to end #MobMentalities & #GovtCorruption without erasing important historical moments that are there for us to learn from so we can be a source of healing for EVERYONE.
There are many more ways we often contribute to every intersectional growth opportunity in the world; all of them which are worthy of researching and becoming aware of by diving into POC, LGBTQ+ and other nations voices, media and content, as where we often show ourselves in need of the most healing and introspection, is when we respond to things as the ppl I exemplified above; with a blindness to the very fact that only White Privilege allows any person to be able to think about any topic in this world, without having to think about how racism, sexism, ablism and imbalances of power tint ALL conversations.
A decent start to healing these shadows, starts by sitting down and taking a good hard look at how you think about your own thinking.
It's called #Metacognition.
Another great topic to learn about.
Once you go there, you can then start getting a better idea of what it's like to live without unearned privileges of birth & perpetuated cronyism.
That empathy and understanding will still NEVER be equal to living in the shadow of white society throughout history, though it'll get you far enough to stop contributing to these issues and start becoming a co-conspirator & ally of equity, compassion & unconditional love for everyone - and those ripples are the ones that will show the universe that you want that kind of world and are ready to leave behind the cruel realities of our lessor ancestors that we've been perpetuating.
It all starts in YOUR mind and heart.
Be mindful of this in every conversation you have, esp when throwing criticism at others you don't even know; including celebrities - who often get even deeper virtol because ppl see them as somehow above feeling human emotions because they're celebrities andor see them as "deserving" of being insulted and betlittled for being human in public (I have screenshots of ppl actually saying this).
Be a source of healing in this world.
It's always worth it <3
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